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Thursday, April 14, 2011

part 5 of The "Right Means"

Looking out for the interests of others, is our final point for this week. We have looked at five points of having the right means for spiritual unity. Today's could be phrased another way as well. As Napoleon Dynamite said in the show, "I got your back". It is imperative that we look out for one another in many ways including the interests of others. If we are truly united in Spirit and Fellowship, how could we not be actively looking out for others interests? Sure if its not a Godly thing we wouldn't want to encourage it but how important can it be to actually speak into their lives. There is always two sides to a coin and this coins sides are a positive and a negative.On the positive to help encourage, be involved and any way we can shepherd the interests of others. On the negative, which really is a positive, just doesn't feel like it, we need to help our brothers and sisters when the interest moves off God and onto self as we've discussed. Here is the conclusion. We are told to be of one mind, literally one-souled in the Greek, to have the same love, fellowship in the Spirit, actively seeking to maintain the Unity of the Spirit, so are you doing that? That is a difficult question to answer but my prayer is after this week you can clearly see the Spirit that calls you, "home", is the same Spirit that calls us all as believers, "home". How is it that we can have so many difficulties if we share the same Spirit? I give you a one word answer, "flesh". Our flesh has not yet been mastered and will need to be increasingly monitored and corrected as the world cries out to us, try this, buy that, behave freely. My challenge for you today is two-fold. First try praying each morning the little prayer of Psalm 5:3, In the morning, O Lord, you will hear my voice, In the morning I will order my prayer to you and eagerly watch. This is a great little memory verse and a great encouragement. As you pray, expect results and then watch God work. The second part is to study out on your own Philippians 2:1-4 and see what God has to say to you specifically. Then do it:-) I look forward to hearing what God is doing in your life and would love to hear back. Keeping the Word in sight.