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Wednesday, March 20, 2019

We don't need no stinkin truth

Several years ago I was serving as a youth pastor for a medium sized main line church. I came a crossed a resource by a well-known youth teacher who was addressing the issue of truth, or should i say lack of, among the youth culture. He went on to teach the difference between subjective truth and objective truth, a concept that the vast majority of youth weren't familiar with.To emphasize his point he used the analogy of ice cream. Something everyone of us is familiar with. He said his favorite kind was rocky road or something like that and because you might like chocolate chip we both realize truth. The truth however is subjective. Rocky road is the best flavor is true only to those who agree with this statement. It is true to them but it is not universally true. Regardless of flavor we could have as many truths as we have flavors and people. On the other hand if I claimed that ice cream cured diabetes, it is either true or false. This is what we call objective truth. The statement is either true or false for everyone.
That being said, we face a time like no other in American history where we have more people presenting their subjective truth as objective and using the legal system as well as our tax dollars to force their truth on every man woman and child.
Many times the truth they are pushing is no more truth than I am a blue tongued alien.
At some point in our history truth became offensive and became the focus of destroying and all who push universal truth are rejected and persecuted. Add to that the mentality of the enemy of my enemy becomes our friend and you have unions of hate being developed and giving the appearance of the majority.
Listen, if you here the truth and it offends you, it doesn't make it less true. in fact it remains true regardless of how you feel about it. The difference is how we deal with this truth.
When we acknowledge truth we acknowledge an authority figure who not only reveals truth, He is truth. Yet once again we see the division of who the authority is. Some would claim to be their own authority and therefore are their own truth. Some would claim a name of an idol made with hands and claim that all that is true comes from this idol, but once again this relies on their imperfect interpretation.These are not even subjective truth as we will always let ourselves down an idol cannot rescue us.
Objective truth reveals that their is one God one truth and one authority who has revealed Himself in the Bible and walked among His people.
Some will call me closed minded and say this is subjective but even if I reject the God of the Bible it does not minimize who He is, the truth, the way and the life.
What must we do to help a blind world open their eyes and quite striving to force their perverted ways upon the rest of the world, trying to convince us their truth is objective.
We see many of these examples in our world today I will leave you with only one to validate what I am saying.
Recently many wicked men and women passed laws, permitting those who swore to protect life to murder innocent babies. They will acknowledge a heartbeat, brain waves, and even see the little person draw a breath and yet will lift their hands designated to heal, and in their wickedness kill this baby to the amount of over 900 a day.
They will claim the health of the woman, the woman's choice, which apparently didn't include, abstinence, protection or marriage, as a valid reason for murder. They will tell women who are facing an unplanned pregnancy that they have the right to make the choice and will tell them it isn't a baby yet but only growing tissue. they will call it a fetus because baby is to personal. All lies from the pits of hell, designed to mislead vulnerable people into thinking they are being treated truthfully.
This is a sickening example of only one of the agendas that we see being pushed down the throats of the American people. And after all your tax dollars aren't being used to kill babies, are they. They told us it is for helping women and babies.
I will leave you with this thought.
Where is God when these things are happening? If your God is so powerful why doesn't He do something about it? These are some of the comments I have heard but let me tell you this. "The teacher is always quiet during the time of testing, but after the test comes the grading!
You will either receive a pass or a fail, and woe to those who fail.
Till next time, seek the Truth