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Friday, August 10, 2012

preparing to cross the bridge

As I have been mentioning, this fall we will begin a new series called "bridges" and in order to prepare for that we will begin to look at what scripture has to say to the church. We will be examining the letters to the 7 churches in Revelation and gleaning what we can as to our church today. This should prove to be of great blessing and importance to prepare the way for us to cross the bridges we will be discussing. As we will see, man may think hes got it all figured out but as we'll see even the good things we're doing can come out of improper motivation and selfish desires. As we progress through the next several weeks we will update the blog with the main points for those that can't attend or we're unable so you can follow along. Till next time check out the letters to the churches in Revelation, and we'll be ready to go. P.M.