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Wednesday, January 30, 2019

How diversified does a Christian nation want to be?

So its been a while since the election and people are now discovering the consequences of their decisions. I am unclear when "being the first......." really became popular at the expense of being qualified but my guess is its been coming for some time now. The first African American to be elected as president, the first female Muslims to take the house, etc. From socialists to fanatics the corruption of this great country has began to wake its slumbering head and will soon begin to consume the average American citizen. This isn't just alarming its repulsive.
That being said, let me take a second to help you understand how things have gotten this way. We like to blame the millinials and I probably will anyway, ha ha but this corruption stems long before. Do you remember riding in the back of pick up trucks as a youngster as your dad drove down the bumpy roads throwing you around. If not you may be a millennial. Before all the laws were passed, we lived in a country where if you did something stupid you might die. Moms arm was the only seat belt I ever knew until high school or after. Walking down a long highway when my car ran out of gas because cell phones were a luxury not a necessity and most of us lived to tell about it. With every generation the generation before began a process of spoiling children, giving them everything they wanted because when they were little they had to do without. And we taught our children that things didn't just need to be fair, they needed to be equal. After all we are entitled to whatever we desire. Similar to the little spoiled brat on the original Willy Wonka who demanded a goose to lay golden eggs, or the little boy who got sucked into the machine because of his selfishness, or even the little girl who couldn't wait until testing was done on the meal pill that made her swell into a blueberry, we are raising the most self righteous, spoiled brats that have ever walked this land and the kids are growing up thinking this is normal. What this "normality has brought is a taste for socialism. Taking your hard earned dollars and redistributing to those who sit home perfectly capable of getting a job but take the handout instead. After all I want what they have. Even our children try to live the life their parents have right out of the nest instead of working for it. But mom and dad pay for everything so they can just be students so who's fault is this? There are some wonderful exceptions to what i have been saying but the reality is it is becoming more and more prevalent. The reason? Who is the culprit? It is none other than the enemy of your soul. We remove God from our government from local to federal and somehow begin to insert Allah. After all our God hasn't helped things become more corrupt so maybe Allah will. If you aren't familiar with how these fanatics operate it would be well worth your attention to research countries they have infiltrated and taken over. Look carefully at how they came to power and how they patiently began testing areas of change until finally they find a weak spot to come in. We have had enough of this already with the corruption of our governments systems and branches.
Those of us that are Christians ought to be concerned, not worried. Our God is the God and will only allow so much, but when a nation has turned her back on His grace and mercy and love, He will allow us to enter under a yoke of slavery. After all we serve one of two masters either through choice or default. God promises in Romans that He will cause all things to work together for the good, to those who love God, for those who are called according to His purpose. There are many great leaders wanting a chance to make America great again, isn't it time we give them the opportunity, and quite playing games with our future? For crying out loud at least elect people that back what the United States was founded on and uphold the constitution. Including being a Christian nation, a nation where i can disagree with someone without it being a hate crime, leaders who are not trying to take away my constitutional rights, and leaders who will stand firm on equality and serve based on their love for the nation rather than trying to make it like their nation of origin. Till next time, reap what has been sown.