So congress is now in session after their long well deserved break, to know me is to understand that was sarcasm. After all Trump invited the Dem's back to finish the business that was at hand, but my guess is they are still getting their paychecks so who cares if there is a government shut down?
If you aren't following the first few hours of our government elected representatives let me remind you that we now have two Muslim women, a house speaker who's first course of action was to restrict free speech, limit the presidents ability to use his powers, and do away with the electoral college votes. Every thing they can do to ensure their chances of winning the next election and beings they couldn't win by cheating they will change whatever they can to give them a fighting chance. Now here is the thing...... why are people sitting around watching these things take place instead of standing up joining the groups that are fighting for our rights day in and day out? We gripe about it but we don't do anything. It is so corrupt that many people don't even know where to turn to get the facts. We fight over what news source brings us the accurate news, all the time questioning in our own minds if we can trust it.
Thankfully we have one news source we can trust and that is even under attack because after all who wants to hear the truth? The Bible is our one true source for truth, justice, instruction, correction, understanding and guidance in this corrupt sin filled world, and yes even though we live in the greatest nation in the world, next to Israel, the corruption of your leaders, who God allows to serve at the request of the corrupt people, will secure a fight with humanity.
The fight will be the removal of your speech, right to bear arms, protect your family and property and the ability to be gainfully employed so you don't have to rely on the government. If they can force us to rely on their handouts and poor excuse for insurance they can dictate areas of our lives that we once used to have the freedom to choose. Do you remember the days when you could pick your doctor, choose the hospital, exercise free speech without it being considered a hate crime? Our children can't remember these things, to them this is how it has always been so whats the big deal. The big deal is even Hitler was smart enough to understand if you capture a generation you capture the future. The purpose of this blog was not to depress the readers but to give us the kick in the pants to wake up and reclaim our nation. Like it or not president trump is your president, you couldn't be anymore disappointed than I was with our last one, trust me. But God is sovereign and He will listen to the prayers of His children. This nation need only turn back to Him and trust Him.
Till we meet again