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Sunday, December 31, 2017
whats next
In the Bible there are many references to numbers and even more studies regarding the symbolism, or literal meaning of the numbers. But the one number that I have never heard anyone studying is day 41. Obviously there are many numbers that haven't been studied out, but seriously 41 is under appreciated. Author Chuck Tate takes a look at this concept from the flood, Jonahs 40 day preaching, Moses 40 years and others drawing the reality that immediately following day 40 or year 40 comes 41. And that day brings change growth and relief. Dealing with fear and staying the course is all part of the teaching in this book. Chuck uses some of the funniest illustrations including my favorite one about big john coming. You will have to pick up a copy to read about it yourself and you just might learn a thing or two regarding awaiting your day 41.
I recieved my complimentary copy from my friends at NavPress/Tyndale House Publishers for an honest review. Truly this book was a great joy to read, and hard to put down. By the way for you that teach this is completely transferable.