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Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Getting back to the basics.

It seems as though life these days is full of distractions, detours and delays, for Christians in particular. Though we start each day with the desire to do well and please God, every night we go to bed beaten down and discouraged by the course of the day. Occasionally a great day comes along and we rejoice, but in our hearts we seem to predict that it is temporary and that tomorrow will yield yet another course of challenges waiting to chew me up and spit me out. It isn't enough to just squeak by or live day by day holding on as you feel your grip weaken. There has got to be more to my life, things i must be missing. That is where a handy little daily devotional resource book can help. It gets us back to the basics of our relationship with the Lord and reminds us, as it is so titled, 5 traits of a Christ follower. Five Traits of a Christ Follower  -     By: Doug Nuenke, Jerry Bridges
The 5 traits are; walking with Jesus, Knowing and living the scriptures, participating in community, engaging with those who don't know Christ, and reproducing spiritual generations.
Each of these traits are discussed by individuals in a daily and very practical manner. Each devotion addresses a specific area within these 5 traits and offer advice, encouragement, and challenge. It is a reminder of what the Christian life is all about, our Relationship with God. All else falls in place when we are walking as we should and following our King. I must admit, when my friends at Tyndale House Publishers sent me a complimentary copy for my review I was expecting a book by Jerry Bridges. What I got was a devotional to address my wandering and worn life. I would recommend this book to Christians and non-Christians alike. To Christians who are new to the family or brothers and sisters who have been in the family for decades it is worth the time spent. For 5 minutes a day it is an investment that is sure to return much more than the small cost of the book.
Till next time