I must admit a bit of skepticism when it comes to story book theology because we don't want our kids growing up thinking these are just Bible "stories". My first hands-on Bible does a decent job of balancing the accuracy with simplified terminology as you would expect from the New Living Translation. As I went through the well known stories of scripture and some lesser known I appreciated seeing the words of God coming through. They have also added hands on activities throughout the stories and a way to tie the story to Christ. Imagine the fun of reading about creation while your child covers their eyes in an attempt to imagine what formless and void would look like. Turning the lights off and on while discussing God's command, "Let their be light". The pages are full of fun ideas and colorful pictures. The artwork is well done and obviously animated unlike many of the comics and videos we see today where they look like real people. Make sure your children know these are real events in history and things to come.
The Bible itself is a soft cover well designed but still will wear out a bit quicker than a nice hardcover. It is much thinner than I expected at about 1" but is better for small hands that way.
This Bible may have an advantage over your adult Bible because of the pictures and activities that bring the Word of God to life for your preschooler. I am sure this is a Bible you will both enjoy.
I received a complimentary copy of My first hands-on Bible from my friends at Tyndale House Publishers.
Till next time