I recently read a book by Pete Hise entitled, "What Life Are You Waiting For? push play for the adventure God has for you." I received a free copy from Tyndale House publishers for my review.
This book is well written and a joy to read. The basic premises struck a chord with me as I desire to see people not just follow Christ but to say yes to what God has in store. Pete does a great job of using personal examples and illustrations to convince us of the importance to say yes to God.
One of the things that I really appreciated is the format of the book. Each chapter covers removing the obstacles of life and making tough choices on following God. Following each chapter is a "getting traction" section that takes what was discussed and put handles on it for our everyday life. This is a valuable asset to our growth process. you'll have to pick up a copy and give it a go.
You'll be glad you picked up a copy And don't forget to have your Bible handy as each section takes you to a scripture. For more information visit Tyndale House Publishers.