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Saturday, January 4, 2014

Invest in your marriage.

I've been a big fan of Greg and Erin Smalley for a long time. We hosted a marriage conference in North Dakota and asked them to be our speakers. They are great folks and very down to earth and relational. When I saw they had a new resource out I new I needed to ck it out. Thanks to Tyndale House Publishers, who provided me with a complimentary copy of this for my review I got my wish. I was instantly impressed with the quality of the book. The book is easy to use and has an index to give you a specific idea or you could go through it with a date suggestion for every week of the year.
My guess is at the end of the year, your marriage will look much different. By the way if your not married this would make a great preparation tool or gift for a couple you would like to bless.
Each "great date" has a tool, relevant story, an activity and questions to get you talking. Greg and Erin use their experience, humor and knowledge to lead couples to a more fulfilling marriage. Imagine doing things together again like when you first started dating. Pick up a copy today and let me know how it has affected your relationship.