I didn't either:-).
I have been studying the spiritual disciplines of the Christian Life for a sermon series I am preaching and so far we have looked at a few. Out of all the ones covered so far, silence and solitude seem to be the most difficult. Phones ringing, neighbors house getting reroofed, school let out and all the kids walking by, texts, email, breaking news, family time, where does it end?
In and of themselves these things are harmless and undoubtedly important, in varying degrees. So why is it that I can't get some peace and quiet?! If I am honest about it, it is because I am lacking motivation to leave to a quiet place. By that I mean, I physically need to get up, and go to a quiet place to be with the Lord. Sound like anyone else you know? We read in Matthew 1:35 that Jesus got up, left the house and went to a secluded, literally lonesome, place. He took action to secure a time away from everyone else to be with God. We know He used some of this time at least to pray, but the value of the time away from all distractions to just be silent and have silent is of great benefit to everyone, Christian or not. Time to prepare for the day, prepare yourself and think. It may just be what the doctor ordered. So why not give it a try? start small and try just an hour or so, leaving your phone, iPod, and other distractions at home. Go for a walk even if that is what gets you away from everything.
Good luck and I would love to hear your stories of how you observe silence and solitude, or what works for you.
Till next time.