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Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Feeling thankful

Have you ever had a period of time in your life where you wake up and feel like, "this is it". "This is the best it will ever get!" I've tried all sorts of things, lived through experiences I shouldn't have, including asking my wife what's for dinner and then looking disgusted with the answer. After regaining consciousness, I gladly ate what was placed in front of me.
That feeling of wanting to make a mark, no pun intended, on the world and being noted as an expert in a certain area only intensified as I've gotten older. Instead I have become a jack of all trades, master of none. I wrote a 60 page thesis on family dynamics but have still never written a best seller, starred in a movie, or wrote and performed a best seller. I don't drive a Beemer, or a hummer, wear the latest trends or have a golden tan "6 pack" all though my cooler is very shapely. According to the worlds standards I have come so far short of the goal, it appears I wasn't even on the field. Absent on game day is the feeling I have had and just couldn't shake.
It hit me this week the impact a corrupt society has had on my view of my life, my ministry, my entire outlook. We have been blessed to have been spending the week with around 50-60 friends from Arkansas and South Dakota that come together for one purpose. M.I.S.S.I.O.N.S. They leave the familiar and travel hours to join us. They bring vans and trailers and its kind of like the feeling in Smokey and the Bandit when the semi driver asks Burt Reynolds how many semis he sees. Burt Reynolds responds that he sees one as he himself is being chased by dozens of cops. Suddenly the semis begin to separate from the line they were in and what follows is nothing less than the call of the cavalry. Everyone is cheering and whooping it up, they forget about their personal issues because it is now larger than ever before. These people represented that for me. They did last year and again this year. Real people, with a real passion for ministry. A feeling of invincibility is at hand and a boldness to reach the community is renewed. Don't miss the point here, it isn't the people themselves, but the reminder I am a small piece in a very large and complex system. The reinforcements have arrived and together we rejoice in our Christ connection. I am thankful for them and their ministry, not to mention the lives they have touched this week.  Who is your Calvary? Drop me a line and let me know, or if you don't have one let me encourage you. Drop me a line and we'll talk.
Till the time comes;
By the way, isn't it refreshing that I didn't mention any current events?