Well after 6 weeks of training straight from the Word of God, we should be pretty well versed on what God's desire is for worship. Our last topic of worship through relationships, was a good study and after studying for the sermon seems as though it could have been a series within a series. Relationships are so crucial to our worship and to our personal faith, it is almost inseperable. Note I said almost, to clarify that ultimately worship is for an audience of one and can and should be done everyday. The problem is that the six days leading to, or following depending on perspective, creeps into our lives and we show up to church expecting everyone else to be ready to encourage me and love me. After all I have had a nasty week and people just don't seem to care. Newsflash, their week may have been terrible also. Regardless of our desire, we are there to worship God, not you or me. This makes it even more difficult where Paul addresses the church in Corinth and rebukes them for taking sides. Some were following Paul, some Apollos, some Cephas (Peter), and others claimed to be following Christ. Pauls question to them is this, "Is Christ divided?" Simple enough question but profoundly affects our worship on how we answer. Let me ask you a question, are you living in the "glory days"? You know when everything was the way YOU liked it. When we live in the past and hold on to that we miss the future by looking back. You do realize why the rearview mirror is puny compared to the windshield, right. It is more important where you are going than where you have been. Eyes forward, ready for whatever God leads you toward. That is worship! attentively and lovingly longing for His hand in your life and direction to your existance, praising Him, thanking Him, asking Him for those things along the way that you need or desire.
Now, lets go worship THE living God.
See you in the clouds