Motion causes friction. Such a simple thought and yet so relevant for everyday life as well as our spiritual life. Think about it. As you move closer to God, we seem to have more things challenge us. Our quiet time is interrupted by a ringing phone, or our Bible reading is distracted by a TV show. Or how about our worship being distracted by what everyone else wants for you.
Most of us don't realize it but our surroundings play a major role in our worship. I have been across the country, spoken in many many churches, talked with people, coached churches, pastored in several, candidate in several and ultimately the "style" of worship is dictated by tradition. Church plants, that are actually doing well, will almost always have up-to-date music, while the church celebrating its 100th anniversary is fighting to keep its doors open because they refuse to be relevant to the community it is trying to reach. Now that being said i believe the church is for the believer and specifically how can we worship something we don't understand. Worship has many aspects and is not JUST music, but has so many more ways of praising the Lord.
Psalm specifically addresses praising the Lord and covers multiple settings. Individually, corporately, with song, with instrument, in gladness, and in sadness it covers it.
When a church tries to update its "worship" they usually look at the music and not any other areas.
Here is an example. Where should the worship team, choir, organ, drums, song leader, etc be physically in the church? Should they be in the front or in the back? Another example is should there be PowerPoint or stick to the hymnals only? My guess is your answer shows your age. That's not a slam but an observation that becomes the largest divisive topic in churches. No clapping or raising of hands is sure to be communicated by the environment of the attenders. No drums or guitar show an attitude of instrumental discrimination. ( I made that up, ha ha)
I think you know what I am saying in regards to these areas though and it is an international issue.
I challenge you to seek scripture to see what worship through music looks like. I believe you will be shocked as to the real worship we see in scripture as opposed to how we do it in our local churches. Psalm 150 will be a good start in your quest. Our worship is for an audience of one and should not be restricted to what someone tells you you should do. think about it and respond accordingly.
Praising the Lord with you.
Pastor Mark