As we wind down to the last few chapters in Joshua it is important to stay alert. Many times after victory we become laxed and passive and forget to stay involved. Of should I say, choose to not be involved. We see in Joshuas final charge to Israel, that he is along in years and drawing near to death, but the incredible thing is that he isn't done yet. Joshua declares that as for he and his Lord". In this are two very distinctive points. First that they will submit to God and His will for thier lives and also obey. He has a proper perspective and will continue to serve the most high with his family. This brings us to the second point that Joshua has invested in his family and raised them to be spiritually attentive. Although this was primarily directed toward Israel, you can also make the same choice, to follow or to not. So what will it be? Wholeheartedly follow Jesus or by default to deny Him and live for yourself. You make the choice.
Till next time.