Each day seems to fly by so quickly and yet at the end of the day I'm left with a longer list of things that needs to be done than when I began. After enjoying a few days of this I asked myself, does it really matter?
Are the things on my "list" anything that is of significance or value. Out of the good, better, best grouping what if i lived my life in the best column? What would that even look like? My first inclination is to think that it means I would be happy everyday and every moment would be fruitful and invigorating. The reality is that it is not always cake and ice cream to live out of the best column. At times it seems so easy to question God when we feel like the course of action looks more difficult. Lets take a look at an everyday example. Food is the category for 5000 please. In the good category we have liver and brussel sprouts, the better category has lasagna, garlic toast and a cookie, the best column has ice cream sandwiches, chocolate souffle, cream puffs and after dinner mints. Now that sounds almost overwhelming but I have given this extreme example to show you how opposite our perspectives can be. Turn this around and you have a good source of energy and protein, the taste for some may be repulsive but none the less it is good for you. Now the better will always be just that. Better than the choice under it and not as good as the choice above it.
When you look at your life, your time management, and your values, do you live a life that reflects it? I know I have a ways to go on this.
Be on guard for those who think they have the fast track to living the "best" and expect you to join them. Only you can discern what it is God has for you and what is the best for you! Rest assured that God has already equipped you, before He calls you and has already considered your response. To use a simple example of this playing out in scripture one only has to read the book of Jonah. Four chapters of pure delightful, nail biting, edge of my chair reading. (As a side note I assure you everything turns out fine, for a while then blammo, Nineveh is destroyed. Be sure and follow up prescribed reading with Jonah book 2. Also known as Nahum.) This rebellious prophet spent more time and effort disliking the mission set before him and after disobeying Gods initial instruction, having dinner with a fish, he receives his second set of instruction. Remarkably similar to the first set we see Gods grace in forgiving and restoring this man to ministry. Are you ready to be restored and live in the best?
Till next time, live in the Word.