There was a song in the 80's, (I'm dating myself here), where the singer sang the words, people are people so why should it be you and I should get along so awfully. As a teen I liked the song but not till recently did I really pay any attention to the words. Sure we could cruise down the road singing along with hundreds of songs including this one, but do we really pay attention to what the message is? Simply put we are all created beings and although some have more power, wealth, or age we are still just people. people born with a sin nature and, as I have repeatedly said, sin is the great equalizer. It seems this message continues to present itself in my life in many forms, rather consistently. For instance my small group is going through Ecclesiastes where King Solomon has amassed a great wealth, built many great structures, including the Temple for God, and is wiser than anyone before him. Yet in all his wealth, wisdom, and power he wrestles with his flesh. Solomon displays a characteristic that is evident in most of us if not all of us. that is the characteristic of discontent. We suffer in varying degrees of this illness and in different ways but at the end of the day, as Solomon found out, we still look at the "what ifs" and the "if onlys". Paul puts things in perspective as he penned the words found in Php 4:11 Not that I speak from want, for I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am, and again in 1Ti 6:8 If we have food and covering, with these we shall be content. David Platt in his book Radical, discusses the differences between our comfy living rooms and the mission field, (my paraphrase). How we have left the battle to others although the great commission commands us to make disciples. The key to this all is summed up in three words that Jesus Himself said are only second to loving God. Those words are, Love thy neighbor! (Matthew 22:39). Tomorrow we come together to worship God. A family of believers celebrating "LIFE TOGETHER". Let us not see people as we have in the past, in deed as our father once saw you, a sinner in need of salvation. See you soon.
Pastor Mark