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Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Not conformed, Be transformed!

 As a church family we have been going through what we call, "redemption road". It is one of the Bible reading challenges we have undertaken as of late, reading a chapter a day, Monday through Friday with weekends of. The scripture for redemption road is the book of Romans. Romans is known for its rich theology and clear gospel. There is so much for us to learn and apply in these 16 chapters than to just read a chapter and cross it off our to do list. Already we have learned so much but today as I opened my Bible and began to read the 12th chapter I was reminded of one of the most important truths a believer in Jesus can understand. Paul starts off stating that we are to present our bodies, a living and holy sacrifice, pleasing to God.... This is our spiritual act of worship. That is quite a statement but he continues in verse two with a most profound truth, "And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect."

I love the do and don't contrast. Do not be conformed to this world..... Take a moment and let that sink in. How often do you go along with things because, well, thats just the way things go? Or how often do you blend in with the world and its corruption because you don't want to be one of those stuffy Bible thumpers?

The reality is that for a regenerated heart, it will increasingly become more difficult to live in the world. On the one hand you will begin to take on its character and corruption but on the other hand Paul finishes by saying that you, "are to be transformed by the renewing of your mind" Transformation is a process and it comes from the renewing of your mind. In other words, putting spiritual truths above the worlds suggestions. Embracing the righteousness of God in the face of corruption and continually seeking God in everything. In so doing you will prove the will of God, which Paul says is good, acceptable and perfect. Something we know the world and its corruption can never claim, even though it tries. 

Paul goes on to speak about using spiritual gifts, behaving like a Christ follower and ends with a warning. Verse 21, Do not be overcome by evil but overcome evil with good. 

So why don't we use today to do good? Give that person a smile, greet that person who you never talk with, let someone go in front of you, buy someones coffee, or ask if you can sit with someone who is alone. These are pretty minimal in effort but will read great opportunity to show the will of God. After a few days of doing these things you might just find out you are being transformed into the image of our savior. There is no going back, let us push through striving to do good works, not for salvation but because of salvation. Till next time
