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Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Fear driven compliance

We are all watching in anticipation as the impending threat of a microscopic virus threatens our very way of life. It is crippling the economy, causing store shelves to be bare and shutting business doors. Who would have thought such a tiny insignificant particle could have such power? I have talked to dozen of people who are taking precautions that would make you think the tribulation is here and this is the last push to be prepared for years of survival. I am certainly not a physician and therefore will keep my opinions to myself regarding this, however I do want to address the fear driven compliance that seems to be a beast of its own. Let me explain.
When we open the pages of the Bible we can view these pages as the breathed word of God as it claims to be or we can view it as a bunch of writings from around 40 authors over a few thousand years. Depending on your stance will influence how you read it. Some folks will claim to believe it but treat it as a buffet line. Yep, I will take some of that, just a little of this, no thank you to that and when we leave the buffet line we have made our choice to reject a portion of His word. Others come to the Word of God and as much as it hurts know that it is all inspired by God and profitable and it reflects in our lives. We read the promises of scripture and we learn of the creation but most importantly the character of the creator, the very Author is revealed the more we read. We learn of a God who loves us and watches over us and desires a relationship with us, not just a weekend friendship or Facebook buddy, He is after a fully vested life devoted to Him. He has proven His love, His ability to take care of us, His righteousness and Grace. These are all features by the way that people are looking for in the virus. Think about it, they are hoping to find a weakness, a group of people that might be safe, etc. The bottom line is this. This virus has revealed a very grave situation in people. When this threat surfaced people responded by their own strength, in general I realize some instantly went to prayer but not as many as should have. They began to search medical and news articles and tune into the world health and the governors updates to see how to respond. Get in your houses and stay.....ok. Do not gather over 10 people......ok, there will be no purchasing of guns or alcohol.......(cause we all know we can shoot the virus and get it sauced up).....ok stay out of the court house, do not hug or shake hands......ok
But when Jesus says To be prepared for "I will come quickly" in the second to last verse in the Bible we just go about our business. What will it take to get us to take the God of heaven seriously? When a microscopic blob can strike fear and obedience when we don't even know if we will ever contract it, yet we all can be assured that Jesus will be coming back and for some there will be no comfort.
Let's ponder that shall we? Till next time keep your focus vertical.