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Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Baby NewYear, done growed up!

 I remember as a kid watching the Christmas specials year after year as if it was the first time I had ever seen them. From the miser brothers to Ralphie, it was like visiting old friends. There was one specific cartoon Christmas show that starred the emphamis baby new year who wore his diaper, a top hat which covered his very large ears. Baby new year ran away because people were making fun of him every time his hat came off. But it wasn't until later in life that i began to see the irony in this new year running away because of his being made fun of and in the end everyone rallying around him to encourage him that we needed him to start the new year. At the time I neglected to see the encouragement as being self serving. After all who wants to get stuck in 2020 for another year? 

The reality is that 2020 was what we made of it. Good times, bad times, it all comes back to your response and how you dealt with the challenges and blessings. As a Christ follower, we know that God works all things to the good of those who love Him, but through out our trials and challenges it is easy to forget that. For instance maybe you lost your job and blame 2020 when in reality it was a series of events that stemmed from bad decisions, cut backs or hundreds of other things until it came to pass. These events were undoubtedly rooted in the past, maybe just a few days or weeks but could be as far back as years. The same is true when you think of a new job. It didn't just come about one day, it took someone losing thier job, quitting or retiring or maybe a new position was created, they went through the resume and interviewing process and then you are offered a job. So we credit 2020 as the year of the job blessing. What we need to consider is regardless of a new year, mid year, or anywhere in between, God was still moving people, working the plan so that when the time came you got the job, or in some cases you lost your job. What seems like a crisis at the time will undoubtedly yield new opportunities in the future for those who stick to thier faith and find thier security in Christ.

What I want to tell you on the threshold of this new year is to not use this as an opportunity to classify a year as good or bad solely on the basis of how your life went. Rather it would be prudent to see the timeless hand of God who orchestrates all things together for His glory. That doesn't mean that God caused you to lose your job, but certainly He will provide another and who knows it could just be the best thing you have never asked for. This year as you look into the new year, take a moment and reflect on the past and the consequences they have had on your present status. The future is promising and if you will take on the right attitude you will find thankfulness in the most unusual things. Why not leave a comment for others to see just how God sees us through from year to year? That is how baby new year grows up.

Till next time


Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Christmas time is quickly approaching

 Hard to believe that 2020 is almost complete and we are down to the final weeks before Christmas. For many of us 2020 has brought unexpected changes and unprecedented challenges. Although the year, according to our calendars, is about to expire and we welcome a new year with renewed hope, it is more than likely that our current situations will once again be there on January 1st. I don't say that as a discouragement, but rather as an encouragement. Let me explain. When we start a new year we say we will lose weight, exercise more, quite smoking, be a better person, start going to church, etc. and we all know that these goals fizzle and fall flat by February 1st. We falter and get discouraged or pick a new starting point down the road a bit and before you know it another year has whizzed by. You and I both know that it doesn't take a new year for a new start and honestly why wouldn't we use Christmas if we wanted a fresh start on a calendar date? The celebration of hope, the recognition that our creator came to live among us that He might die in our place, having done nothing wrong. If you think about it the entire season is messed up with deception and misgivings. I have been preparing my Christmas series for preaching and I told my wife at lunch the other day that its like you celebrate Independence day 364 days out of the year and then the last day is a day to celebrate America. Isn't it kind of the same thing just a specific day set aside where we can get out of work, eat a lot of food, enjoy family and friends and exchange gifts? I am no way undermining the importance of celebrating Christmas, just challenging the priorities this time of year. Boxes and bowes, ribbon and glitter, trees and pointsettias, lights and stars, manger scenes, office parties, huge spread of food, gift getting and giving, new dresses, and suits, where does it stop? And what does it have to do with the birth of Christ? We can expect excuses to explain away our behavior but God know our hearts. The excitement the children get when they wake up and see santa has been there, instead of Jesus. By the way anyone else find it creepy that we convince our kids an old fat guy has access to our houses where everyone else is locked out and we are ok with it? And in addition he won't come unless your asleep. On the flip side, you don't have to wait till Jan. 1st or until your in deep sleep to get a new beginning. Jesus is only a prayer away, nothing creepy or disturbing about it, unless you consider why He would be there for us after all we have done to dishonor Him. 2nd Corinthians 6:2 says this; for He says at the acceptable time I listened to you and on the day of salvation I helped you. Behold, now is the acceptable time, behold, now is the day of salvation." That my friends is the reason for the season. Till next time


Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Not conformed, Be transformed!

 As a church family we have been going through what we call, "redemption road". It is one of the Bible reading challenges we have undertaken as of late, reading a chapter a day, Monday through Friday with weekends of. The scripture for redemption road is the book of Romans. Romans is known for its rich theology and clear gospel. There is so much for us to learn and apply in these 16 chapters than to just read a chapter and cross it off our to do list. Already we have learned so much but today as I opened my Bible and began to read the 12th chapter I was reminded of one of the most important truths a believer in Jesus can understand. Paul starts off stating that we are to present our bodies, a living and holy sacrifice, pleasing to God.... This is our spiritual act of worship. That is quite a statement but he continues in verse two with a most profound truth, "And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect."

I love the do and don't contrast. Do not be conformed to this world..... Take a moment and let that sink in. How often do you go along with things because, well, thats just the way things go? Or how often do you blend in with the world and its corruption because you don't want to be one of those stuffy Bible thumpers?

The reality is that for a regenerated heart, it will increasingly become more difficult to live in the world. On the one hand you will begin to take on its character and corruption but on the other hand Paul finishes by saying that you, "are to be transformed by the renewing of your mind" Transformation is a process and it comes from the renewing of your mind. In other words, putting spiritual truths above the worlds suggestions. Embracing the righteousness of God in the face of corruption and continually seeking God in everything. In so doing you will prove the will of God, which Paul says is good, acceptable and perfect. Something we know the world and its corruption can never claim, even though it tries. 

Paul goes on to speak about using spiritual gifts, behaving like a Christ follower and ends with a warning. Verse 21, Do not be overcome by evil but overcome evil with good. 

So why don't we use today to do good? Give that person a smile, greet that person who you never talk with, let someone go in front of you, buy someones coffee, or ask if you can sit with someone who is alone. These are pretty minimal in effort but will read great opportunity to show the will of God. After a few days of doing these things you might just find out you are being transformed into the image of our savior. There is no going back, let us push through striving to do good works, not for salvation but because of salvation. Till next time


Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Church Life

 We have been studying through a series called Church by the Book the last couple of weeks. It is one of my favorite sections of scripture found in Acts 2:41-47. These few verses are packed so full of rich truth and intentionality it is hard to just spend a few weeks in it. But the more I study it the more God reveals His instruction and design for a successful church. 

I was told long ago that a church that is faithful to the word will always be growing because we will be faithful to the Lord's expectations. I had others tell me that attendance is top priority, as if God takes roll call. (I will say as a pastor I have found people expect me to be there, miss a week and they think they can too. haha) All this to say that so many of the cliches that we use are actually not very good theology. They make for a good conviction but not a good reality. Of course we want to stay true to the word and if your not then your doors ought to be closed. I think of church as being the huddle where we learn more about the Lord and His teachings and then we spend the week on the field, fighting the enemy. When we come into the huddle, we are encouraged, challenged and given perspective through God's eyes through His word and His people. Those who don't know the Lord will find the Christian to be one sided, narrow minded and they desire them to broaden thier minds. But to adopt this seeker sensitive rubbish on how to do church is similar to asking the pilot of your plane to disregard the flat, hard well maintained runway for a city street, jungle animal path, or to just make your own path through a residential neighborhood. We know the significance of the runway when it comes time to land and how narrow that little strip of pavement is. Likewise if you call yourself a Christ follower, if you know Him to be your Lord and Savior than you must understand the unwillingness to compromise on God's design. 

The church has fought for years regarding deep or wide ministries. Should we teach deeply and know that many who are not redeemed in the pews will find offense, or do we shallow the waters a bit and make it an enjoyable festive welcome party, week after week? Acts would teach us that the church was a place for believers to be built up,  sent out and recieved back anxious to hear about each others ministries. At the foundation of the church in Acts 2:42 was the Apostles teaching. They were to teach what they had learned from Jesus and instruct others to go and do the same. Creating disciples with every opportunity. 

So when you turn your attention toward the political arena, Christians are sure to have a different perspective than much of the country. We seek out truth and we seek no savior but Jesus. We do not live as though a mere political figure can fix what is wrong. We live in a broken world that will continue to erode and no replacement parts can be found. You will not find the love, encouragement, and purpose from this broken world, only in the church. Yes, do your part, vote, go out and make a difference, defend lives, serve others, love without hesitation and expectancy but your weekend huddle with a church that preaches the truth and loves God and others is the only place you will find true rest.

Here is my point in all this. When a political figure claims to be Christian, who supports the murder of babies, they are lying to you. You can not have a person who stands for life and votes to kill babies, that is narrow objective truth. When you are told by a candidate that they will keep you safe but take away your constitutional rights such as bearing arms, attending church, singing hymns and go so far as to encourage the looting thugs who are under special priveledge, they are untrustworthy and not worthy to lead this country. When thier lives are full of scandals and make up fake stories to take the focus off of themselves, they are deceitful wicked individuals. Once again narrow truth, we cannot be so contradicting of our own words or actions and be genuine in what our mouth asserts we are or are not. I call upon all who call themselves Christians to defend the truth and never accept the challenge to broaden your thinking. 

The first century church did grow by thousands in its early days, hundreds all the time recorded in the first chapters of Acts, but the people were responding to the gospel and then be discipled. The 120 mentioned earlier in Acts were the ones who were among the apostles  and through the work of the Spirit around 3000 were added to thier number. They were drawn by the works of the Spirit, specifically the pentecost account. Sounded like a violent rushing wind that filled the house they sat in, and flames as if fire split and came upon each of them and they spoke in a language that was understood by different nationalities. Yet even in this remarkable event, some came up with what they felt was a reasonable explanation. "They are drunk" Thats the best they could come up with to discount the hand of God. No slurring, falling over or any of that, just a real language that was spoken to different people so that they would hear the teaching in thier native tongues. 

Its not going to get easier, we must make it a priority to grow in our faith and understanding and not accept the worlds, anything goes mentatlity. Hold fast to the truth and be assured that scripture will speek to whatever it is you run into. Be encouraged, the time draws near when the Lord will call the names of His children and we will live in peace forevermore. But until then be steadfast. 

Till next time. P.M.

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

What is church?

 We could have a room full of people, pose the question, "what is church" and have just as many responses as people. The problem is that many of the responses would be subjective and would have more to do with a persons upbringing, experience, preferences, and traditions than what the word of God teaches. Many have the view of church being a stuffy, irrelevant, "have to" when in reality it should be the highlight of the week. The joy of corporate worship, the command of our Father and the encouragement we gain from fellowship should far outweigh the inconvenience of church. 

That being said most of us already know that the church is not a building it is people. Sadly with each generation we are seeing a trend that church simply doesn't matter, after all what is God going to do if I don't go to church?

There was a pastor in the upper east part of the country who took on a dyeing church with enthusiasm and energy, he gave it his all week after week. Seeing little to no change, he ramped up efforts and to his dismay the church continued to dwindle. He had one last thought, a final shot at building the church. He ran an ad in the paper with the death notice of the church. He made arrangements for the funeral at the church with a casket in front covered in flowers and the date was set. Curiosity consumed the community and they came to see what this funeral was all about. Starting 30 minutes before service the sanctuary filled up, bringing tears to the pastors eyes as he desired to accomplish this with all the work before and now seeing all the people brought mixed emotions. By service time there was standing room only and those in the back on tip toes to get a glimpse of the casket. The service began and the pastor delivered a wonderful eulogy, but the people couldn't wait to see the casket. The pastor invited people to give their final respects as they would line up and file by the casket. He moved the flowers aside and opened the lid, moving aside so the people could funnel by. As each person walked by, soberness filled their faces. As each person shuffled by, responding in shame, they set eyes on the dying church...... a mirror that the pastor had placed inside the casket reflecting the church that had died.

Why is it people like to say they belong to a church when they seldom place priority on entering the front doors?

We see the condition of our great country and see the attacks on churches and pastors daily, but in many cases we literally don't lift a finger to change the tide of change. We know that things will grow increasingly worse, but no where in scripture does it speak to giving in, laying back and watching the destruction. You and I are called to fight the battle, serve Christ and instead of licking your wounds at home, to celebrate with the brethren that we are found worthy to pick up the sword for our Lord. The gathering, corporately, is for worshiping God, but in that we get so much out of it. Praying for one another, serving one another, encouraging one another and so much more. 

So here is my challenge. Forget what you thought you knew about the church and open your Bibles to Acts chapter 2:36-47. The first century church was bold, vibrant, unified and focused on what mattered most. Join me as we explore getting back to doing church correctly. 

Till next time.


Thursday, July 16, 2020

You can only push so far.

When I was a young lad and constantly looking for trouble, my uncle took me aside and taught me how to use my fingers as a rubber band gun. As a side note, I have been told that the police were dispatched not so long ago to a report of a little boy making a pretend gun out of his fingers and concerned citizens reported him. Thankfully when the cops arrived it was empty, no rubber bands, so he just got yelled out. But as my uncle laughed, I began to hone in my new talent of rubber band shooter and got to the point that I could hit a fly on a wall several feet away. I know that is really impressive and plays a major part of where I am today but that's not my main point. You see all that practicing meant I had to have plenty of product. Dad owned an office supply store so I was covered there. And secondly I had to have targets. Once again, I had two sisters and so that was covered as well. As a little boy my job was to annoy my sisters and this was the avenue to accomplish my task. That is until the, "mean sister" began shooting her own with a plastic device you could buy that shot the rubber bands, more accurately and with more power. I quickly learned when I appeared to have a rash, turned out to be rubber band snaps, the law of "Enough already"
I bring this up because I see this now taking place among Christians. There has been a long ongoing patience and passivity as well as complacency, among modern Christianity. Those who oppose our God, or should I say Master, have been berating, abusing, and devastating the church for years. Not nearly as severe as of late. I have grown weary of rebuking fellow Christ followers because of their supposed grace, showing them Jesus' behavior as He walked through town. The funny thing is many Christians use Jesus' silence and obedience during his betrayal, beating and crucifixion as the example. Christ went willingly to the cross, silently enduring the oppressors and murderers because He knew what must be done to bring reconciliation. I don't know too many of us that have that burden on our backs. Instead, Jesus would go into the synagogues even as a young man and teach. He didn't let the money changers just keep going because He might offend someone, in fact He threw over the tables showing His zealousness for the house of God. And yes, His actions today would have been called, racist, discriminatory, hate crime or whatever else might make for a good read. But you see the thing that has been encouraging me is I am seeing Christ followers everywhere still showing grace but taking a stand, enough already.  They are effectively telling others, if you don't like my God, you don't like me, and we are ok with that. We still want you to know God but you have the right to refuse and I am not going to shove it down your throat. Here is a question for you to ponder, "Who did Jesus ever chase down and "pursue" with the gospel? Yep, I came to the same conclusion.... no one. Jesus took the opportunities and when they refuse Him he let them walk away knowing He had spoken truth. Brothers and Sisters its time to let your voices be heard, unappologetically. Christianity isn't about skin color, education, gender or any of the things the trouble makers are saying it is about. It is a relationship with God, end of story. I leave you with this final rant.... Those who live in California where it was just mandated that you cannot sing in church, better make up your mind if you will follow mans law or Gods. We were created to worship and no man or woman has the power or authority to require such a thing. Unfortunately you live in a state where you have remained passive far too long, and you aren't alone. New York, Michigan, Minnesota and several others have created religious restrictions that they don't have the authority to mandate. This isn't a call for rebellion it is a call to get your priorities straight. God first. Can I hear an amen?
Till next time,

Friday, June 26, 2020

I know, I know, I'm not politically correct.

By now you know the jargon, that, ....... lives matter. This ranges from color of skin, to vocations, to where we are from and honestly enough is enough. Do black lives matter? Of course they do what moron came up with that question? Do cops lives matter? Why don't you ask that the next time an intruder breaks in and harms your family or you are in a scary spot with a car that wont start. Of course they matter. Do illegals matter? Once again of course they do, they need to learn the law of the land, but that isn't the same discussion for today. And yes, White lives matter. unapologetically, without reservation, I would stand in support of all lives matter, which isn't a popular concept these days. Especially if your in the womb and not given a voice. The thing that amazes me is the extremity of the violence and mayhem that thugs, black, white or yellow with purple polka dots have resorted to. You will sense my sarcasm because once again regardless of skin color they are a cowardly, wicked, group that seeks their own agenda at the cost of anyone who dare oppose them. Even more absurd is the cowardice officials who will allow police to be put on the chopping block and allow the terrorists who have taken city after city captive to continue to operate and have even tried to negotiate with them. Here is my point. You and I have lost loved ones who fought for our freedom that is now in the balance. You and I observe the laws and try to get along with others and do the right thing. Where have the men and women gone that used to intervene when a 92 year old gets beat up by a thug? Regardless of color, we know that's not right! Where are they when a store owner pleads for them to leave his business alone, it is all he has and they kill him for it. (And if you haven't figured it out yet they are not wearing face coverings because of covid, it is because they are too cowardly to show their faces. I have lived in many different states and have seen some of the monuments they have destroyed and if you know your history you too would understand this isn't about black and white.Why don't you ask Dear-borne, MI what it looks like and how it works to have sections of your city the cops don't go, because they set up sharia law? To many of us this is a foreign concept, to have an enemy who is established on our own soil because we are the land of the free, unless your a law abiding, Christ worshiping, contributor to society. By the way how is it the thugs can stay on the streets for weeks at a time. They must not have jobs or if they do very understanding bosses, or maybe they are self employed, self made millionaires who can spend their day golfing or thuggering. (Yes, I just made that word up and I do believe it will catch on.) Otherwise we must except they are professional thugs being paid or living on your taxes instead of getting a job. Well enough of my ranting, you've heard it all before, nothing new under the sun. I guess I just want to point out that because you read or hear something it doesn't make it true. You need to go and look into it and see if it is accurate or not. There was a group of people who were considered noble because they did exactly that. Someone brought a new way of thinking and presented a new way to be in God's grace that challenged their current ways. Oh how I miss the good old days when we could disagree and not hate each other. This specific man was none other than the apostle Paul who was journeying through the land sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ. Believe it or not, it wasn't the most welcomed message from many of the folks he ran into. In fact the city before had ran him out of town with the hope to catch him and stop him from speaking. He found himself in the Barean community who listened to his information and left at the end of the day to research and see if what Paul said was true. He continued with them for a time as they welcomed him eager to learn and yet willing to validate the new knowledge they had been taught. You see if I am standing beside someone who claims they are doing something for a specific reason and the evidence validates the opposite they are a hypocrite. When a young person fighting for black lives matter beats up a black store owner, kills an innocent woman, and bashes an old white woman posing no threat they are using it as an excuse to play out their wickedness. When they try to visit with people, show them why black lives matter by overcoming the racial boundaries instead of reverse racism they are legit. This truly is a Spiritual war and scripture is clear this is going on and in deed will continue but we are to resist them and stand firm in Christ. Don't give up, don't grow weary, we are the majority who love Christ and love one another and they cannot take that away from us by the deeds of a few who reject the love of Christ and of course you. Unfortunately the media paints a very different picture hoping you will buy the propaganda.
Till next time.

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Who is the real enemy here?

I live in a fairly quiet neighborhood so you can understand why I became agitated as cars continually drove by laying on their horns from one end of the block to the end of the block two blocks away. The first few times I assumed were for the high school senior who is graduating a crossed the street and with all the senior parades and cruising nights that made sense, but when it persisted I had to go investigate. As I looked out the window of our porch on this dreary rainy cold day I saw two balloon bouquets with signs in the neighbors yard. Upon further inspection I could see the signs read, :Honk when you go by for {our neighbors name} in appreciation for her birthday beings they couldn't have a party. I thought that was a pretty cool thing to do but then the next sight left me scratching my head. There were several cars but all I could see was one lady with a mask over her face sitting in a lawn chair in the driveway in the midst of the rain and the owner of the house sitting in the garage door opening without a mask. I told my wife that they are practicing social distancing but must not have read the sign. I was still confused as there were far more cars than people, but my wife cleared everything up when she shared the garage is full of people.
Now my point isn't to belittle anyone or pass judgement but this truly reveals the desire most people have to be around others. Even the one wearing the mask faced the fear to sit in the rain and be in fellowship with her dear friend. I have wondered if she caught pneumonia from sitting in the rain, but that's not funny is it?
I have noticed two camps of people. Let me give you a scenario to see where you fall.
Settle down now, this is all in fun.
Let's say your sitting in your favorite chair on your porch with your favorite beverage and a great little snack, just watching the squirrels and birds, with an occasional family out for a walk. Every so often a car will pass and you wave because in my story we are all friends and that is what friends do. Anyway, a car suddenly catches your eye and as you turn to see it isn't the car it is what is inside. It looks like an alien and they are covered so you don't know if they are someone you know or not. They have a hazmat suit on and a respirator, not one of those flimsy paper ones, I'm talking about the kind with replaceable cartridges, charcoal filters and straps to secure it with rubber seals that seal tight against your skin. They have two sets of rubber gloves on in case one set is breached they will still have time to reach safety.
By now you have formed an opinion, probably that i am full of drama, but in regards to the driver.
The first group see this spectacle and shake their heads in approval of how seriously they are taking the threat and in fact probably have taken a couple of notes down to pick up some better gear to fight this pandemic. You see the logic in their decision and blow them a kiss as they drive by. unfortunately they don't see you because their safety goggles that prevent them from rubbing their eyes have fogged over.
The second group who undoubtedly has been laughing are those who have already labeled them as a fanatic with paralyzing fear. They actually might even get mad about the drastic depths this person is willing to go and even point out that medical experts have told them not to drive with masks its not safe or healthy.  This is quite a dilemma when two sides are so far apart and can't seem to see the logic through the biased set of glasses they are adorning. This seperation exists even among Christ followers.
So here is the lesson. You and I make strong arguments with little information. For instance we can only assume the covid is why they dressed that way and reject the idea they are on their way to a major accident with a chemical spill. You have to admit we don't know for sure. both groups are united in their assumption and both think they are right. This is called justification. We make an argument to support our conclusion and we have to "justify" it by any means possible. Let me ask you a question. Is it ok for two people to have opposing views and still fellowship? Of course not that would be like saying Christ could live among people. Oh..... wait ......He did. And He loved us so much He gave His life that we may gain life eternal. Let us not lose track of who the real enemy is here. Chew on that for a couple of days.
Till next time.

Thursday, May 7, 2020

A little good news.

I have never enjoyed shopping! I just wanted to get that out there before I proceeded. Perhaps it was growing up where shopping night was every Tuesday and then when we got home we had wieners. Not the fancy kind that gets the whole neighborhood running to your place, the kind that are slender, slimy and always plenty of because no one looks at them and thinks, oh yummy, gotta have some. But I went faithfully with my mother every Tuesday even through a good share of high school, its just what we did. So of course when we had kids my thought was, there you go honey, you got plenty of help at the store so I don't have to go. Now, the older I get the wiser other people become and evidently the kids move out quickly so they can dump it back on me. It isn't that they don't want to be with mom, they just grew up thinking they were being punished. At least wal-mart has other areas that might keep our interest as we wander out of the food aisles and into the 5 dollar movie bin. But in my new investment of time to take my wife shopping I have done pretty good, don't bother asking her I just told you, other than a few times of lacking patience. Now recently thanks to the covid fear I enter a store and realize that I missed the memo that you should be wearing a face mask. Me being the adaptive type decided that if I had to go to the store and other areas that I would take my motorcycle wraps and wear them. They would be just as effective as some of the masks I have seen. Of course as I explained my idea of pulling up at the bank with a dew rag over my face and going up to the check out with one my wife became more insistent I just sit at home and wait for her to return. I looked over and the dogs gave me a look like, it's not so bad we'll save you a seat. Here is my point. Many of us have spent this entire time complaining about not being able to go out, we sit and listen to the reports not knowing what to believe and what to reject. We can't separate the lies from the truth, opinions from facts. I believe the source makes a difference but at the end of the day human intervention corrupts the reports based on emotion, perspective and let's face it, they take an objective truth and make it subjective. So where do we go that we can get the unbiased truth and not worry about warped perspectives? Let's start at my office....just kidding, even I have my opinions as most of you well know. The only place we can turn is to the pages of scripture. Now you might be thinking what does that have to do with our current situation? First off it's truth and truth has value for all things. secondly if you were to open the Bible you would quickly find that there have been many plagues over the years. Oh yeah and the best part for those who don't find value in the Old Testament, the New Testament says they will be more plagues coming. What kind, when and how long? Read your Bible and find out for yourself because if you ask someone else once again you are just reading thier take on it and you need to get this info first hand from a source you can trust. Paul tells Timothy in his fatherly advice, that "all scripture is inspired by God and profitable....... Literally the rendering is "God breathed" and the word profitable is "advantageous, helpful or serviceable". Isn't that what we need in our lives? Won't scripture show us how people of old responded to the threats and reveal how we are to respond now or in the future? Will it not offer us encouragement and strength when we feel depressed or helpless because of our situation. As soon as people quite thinking they have the answers and that the Bible is outdated, the sooner the "Church" can get busy doing what it is supposed to be doing. I hope this finds you where ever you are doing well and keep your eyes verticle because every direction you look horizontally will be dissappointing.
Till next time

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Fear driven compliance

We are all watching in anticipation as the impending threat of a microscopic virus threatens our very way of life. It is crippling the economy, causing store shelves to be bare and shutting business doors. Who would have thought such a tiny insignificant particle could have such power? I have talked to dozen of people who are taking precautions that would make you think the tribulation is here and this is the last push to be prepared for years of survival. I am certainly not a physician and therefore will keep my opinions to myself regarding this, however I do want to address the fear driven compliance that seems to be a beast of its own. Let me explain.
When we open the pages of the Bible we can view these pages as the breathed word of God as it claims to be or we can view it as a bunch of writings from around 40 authors over a few thousand years. Depending on your stance will influence how you read it. Some folks will claim to believe it but treat it as a buffet line. Yep, I will take some of that, just a little of this, no thank you to that and when we leave the buffet line we have made our choice to reject a portion of His word. Others come to the Word of God and as much as it hurts know that it is all inspired by God and profitable and it reflects in our lives. We read the promises of scripture and we learn of the creation but most importantly the character of the creator, the very Author is revealed the more we read. We learn of a God who loves us and watches over us and desires a relationship with us, not just a weekend friendship or Facebook buddy, He is after a fully vested life devoted to Him. He has proven His love, His ability to take care of us, His righteousness and Grace. These are all features by the way that people are looking for in the virus. Think about it, they are hoping to find a weakness, a group of people that might be safe, etc. The bottom line is this. This virus has revealed a very grave situation in people. When this threat surfaced people responded by their own strength, in general I realize some instantly went to prayer but not as many as should have. They began to search medical and news articles and tune into the world health and the governors updates to see how to respond. Get in your houses and stay.....ok. Do not gather over 10 people......ok, there will be no purchasing of guns or alcohol.......(cause we all know we can shoot the virus and get it sauced up).....ok stay out of the court house, do not hug or shake hands......ok
But when Jesus says To be prepared for "I will come quickly" in the second to last verse in the Bible we just go about our business. What will it take to get us to take the God of heaven seriously? When a microscopic blob can strike fear and obedience when we don't even know if we will ever contract it, yet we all can be assured that Jesus will be coming back and for some there will be no comfort.
Let's ponder that shall we? Till next time keep your focus vertical.

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Looking into the Promised Land

There aren't too many of us who haven't been in awe of someone else's circumstances and if we are honest a bit jealous of the success, fame, finances or fashion that someone seems to have. They usually lead a rather public lifestyle and rather intentionally or not they come a crossed with everything being perfect and in order. You take one look and wish that you had what they seem to possess. The thing is we only see half the equation. When they get the mail and see the latest credit card balance, the foreclosure notice, the legal papers or whatever else may be coming.
When Joshua was told he would be leading the nation of Israel into the promised land it was a welcomed time. He had been there years earlier with a group of 11 others. Together the 12 "spies" entered into the land with one objective, to bring Moses back a report of the land. When they got back you can almost hear the excitement as they share of the bountiful land and the vastness of its provisions. But among the report 10 of the spies who were in full agreeance of the milk and honey stories began to spread their poison. They began to speak how the land was occupied and made them look like grasshoppers. The land would be nice but definitely not worth the work to get it. It would surely cost lives and honestly it wasn't that bad where they were at so why pick a fight you can't win.
Only Joshua and Caleb maintained the perspective that God is with us and has promised this land, lets go claim it. Well you and I know that the doubt came at a great cost and it was years of wandering as they could peer into the land from Mt. Nebo and other locations and they could see what a beautiful land it was. So it must have been with great anticipation when God told Joshua that Moses would not return from his mountain experience this time but that he would be taking them to claim what should have been theirs 40 years ago. Joshua by this time would have been around 90 years old by some estimates and had gone from slavery in Egypt to dealing with the sins of others which kept him from God's promise at least temporarily and now to leading a million of God's children into a land promised centuries ago.
My point is, consider what perspective you are using to view life. Joshua had seen the land and desired to go and take it as God had promised and wasn't able to. I believe he thought often of his days treading on the promised land as a spy and seeing the jumbo sized fruit and water and desired to have what the Canaanites and others had. But with his age came experience and wisdom, obviously patient and willing to go by God's timing and not his own, he was able to come into the blessed provision of God and although many battles ensued, he was at long last home and no longer idly waiting to claim the blessing  of God.
I know far too many people who wouldn't be that patient. Young adults who feel they should be able to go out and buy the same quality of life as their parents. They see peers with bigger houses, more friends, and newer vehicles. In fact a video i recently watched a man expressed his discontent with his wife's outer appearance and desired another woman who was younger and much more attractive. He said the one thing he would like to leave with was that woman and everyone laughed. Inside the wife had to be crushed, inside the other woman's husband had to be seething or maybe just gloating, hard to tell these days.
I pray you look to God with thankfulness in your hearts because it is temporal and the day is fast approaching where we will be speechless at the bounty of God's provision.
Till next time

Wednesday, January 22, 2020


There are seasons in which we find ourselves where we can breeze through each day with little or no thought of what size faith we have. Other seasons seem to expose how puny our faith can be, or if your one of the "faithful" ones, "what big muscles you have".
The thing about faith is that all of us are given a measure of faith, but not all portions are equal.
Let me give you an example. When my kids were little I was much smaller as well. So when they asked me to sit on one of their little benches or chairs to join them for a party I would pull the chair up and sit down without hesitation. Now that I am a full figured man, uh huh, I would look at that chair and try to calculate what it might hold and then if I proceeded to sit it would be ever so cautiously and stages of transferring my weight from my own limbs to the weakening, creaking, folding legs of a chair not designed for such a task.
I realize this is a poor illustration in regards to our spiritual faith, but let me tell you I sure feel better getting that off my chest.
Seriously speaking, to those who have placed their faith in Christ and would call themselves Christians, not by the worlds definition but by scriptures, we are consistently reminded that fear is an opponent of faith.
Scripture does say that the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom, and that fearing God is a properly placed type of fear but scripture also teaches us that you were not created with a spirit of fear, and we are told that we should not fear man but He who can not only destroy the body but the soul as well.
You see the clearer we understand faith the more we strive to observe it and in a confusing sort of way our fears give us opportunity to grow in faith. When the doctor brings in bad news, when the spouse of 10 years says they are done, when you find drugs or alcohol in your students bag, when your office lets you go with no warning, these things can cause a great amount of fear. Usually fear of the unknown, the loss of familiar, a place where if we are honest we had become complacent and passive. Or in another way of looking at it, a potential for God to grow us when the enemy finds a way to attack where he knows its going to hurt. The outcome is our understanding of just how fragile our faith can be and just how worthy God is. When we begin to doubt if it will be ok, God somehow shows us that it will be ok because the reward to faithfulness is a renewed and refreshed love for God and assurance that He cares about the smallest of things.
So the next time things get challenging and you begin to question if God is with you, read your Bible and you won't get very far before you see the promise of a loving God who cares for you deeply. Of course reading your Bible daily, praying and meeting regularly in fellowship with other believers are instrumental to a healthy faith as well. Give it a try, you'll be glad you did.
Till next time.