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Friday, November 29, 2019


This time of year brings about a change of heart in many people across our nation. We look forward to time with family and friends, Christmas music, Hallmark shows and all the sights and sounds of the holidays. I've always been intrigued why, or should I say how, do people have such a drastic attitude adjustment without a major travesty in their lives.I mean seriously going from cussing someone out for their driving to giving up your parking spot for someone who looks like they need it worse than you do.
I have come to a realization after contemplating this for so long that it really comes down to two things.
first, the decision to be positive and not negative. You can't open a news AP, turn on a TV station or look at a newspaper without being thrust into the negativity that festers out of the media. it would appear that the only good news is negative news. No need to report on the good stuff going on. in fact most people probably wonder if anything good ever happens anymore. People this time of year naturally tend to soften and look for the bright side of things. Sure shoppers get finicky, and drivers get more aggressive as they search for the deals that will make them happy and popular. But somehow down deep we dig up the patience, sympathy, giving, and do i dare say it, "love" that gets stuffed way down to the bottom of our being the rest of the year. So deciding to be positive is in your hands and is one half of the equation.
secondly, the power of perspective. By this I mean, most of the year we don't stop to really look what is going on behind a comment or action and we respond with what is on the surface. We don't really want to get involved and after all you have your own life to live so someone else's failure or shortcoming isn't your problem. The reality is if we knew half as much as we think we do we might be halfway dangerous. For instance, it is a personal pet peeve for people to be late. If we have an event or meeting scheduled and consistently someone comes in late, either ignoring it or stringing a bunch of reasons why they are late.....again, i will more than likely say something. It feels like a disrespect to everyone else who can make it on time and is ready to go at the specified time. The reality is the person who is consistently late may have a hard time telling people no or may have some area of their life that they are really struggling and need help. They may feel like one more thing will throw them over and yet they never reveal it because they know what people will say. Everyone else made it, we all have the same struggles you do. Don't get me wrong it still is a pet peeve and most likely if someone is consistently late they are just disorganized and honestly uncourteous to others, a form of disrespect.
All that to say that during this time of year it seems we are more willing to show grace and love and for those who claim to be Christian, shouldn't this be a year long characteristic of your life?
Just something to chew on for a day or so.
Till next time