January is a common month for people to dust off their Bibles, and endeavor to do what they have tried before. Read through the Bible in a year. Admirable and well worth the time, however by the time you make it to Leviticus you begin to lose interest in all the legal material and become inconsistent in your devotions until finally you all but abandon your great intentions. That's where a fresh look at a familiar text can give you the extra push you need to stick with it. I began reading Beginnings as I prepared to go through Genesis both personally and in my preaching but was not expecting such a fresh look at a well-known text. I really appreciate the down to earth simplicity of the writing. The author Steve Wiens takes a comprehensive look through each of the seven days and what these days mean practically to you and I. Although I do not agree with all of the theology Steve shares, or the paraphrase he quotes I appreciated his concepts of these days of creation. Steve begins each day with a personal story and parallels it with the creation of the day. Each chapter ends with a series of thoughts entitled "for reflection and discussion" to personalize your study. The thrust of each day is set in the theme of each day of your life. Each day presents opportunities for us to start over and experience a new beginning. This book helps you to understand how to recognize and embrace them. I enjoyed my free copy from the Tyndale House Publishers for an honest review. To check out more on this book visit
Tyndale House Publishers