I have always enjoyed the study of end times and trying to understand the many different events and the order in which they will occur. I have several authors that I enjoy reading to challenge me and teach me and Dr. David Jeremiah's new book, Agents of the Apocalypse is now part of that elite group. Dr. Jeremiah does a fantastic job combining the fiction and factual in this unique style of writing. Each chapter starts out with a fictional account of what things might look like and how events might unfold in our current days. After all we live in a time that the things we read about in Revelation could occur at any point. The characters and situation are to illustrate the reality of how things could unfold and how things might come about. The second part of each chapter brings scripture into focus. No fiction here, the Word of God is revealed and Dr. Jeremiah teaches us on the events of the end.
I especially appreciate how Dr. Jeremiah doesn't avoid the controversial issues in studying out end times. The witnesses, the rapture and the 144,000 are all topics that this book addresses. As you pour through the pages of this classic you will be have a richer understanding of what must take place and when. Although there is much discussion regarding the order of events Dr. Jeremiah explains what many think and what he thinks and gives the reasoning why. Even if you would hold to a different timeline, you can certainly appreciate his stance based on scripture and will challenge you to dig even deeper to be able to support your stance.
This is a good book that I will certainly look back to from time to time and appreciate the clear way it is written. It is a high quality book and has a visually appealing cover.
I received a complimentary copy from Tyndale House Publishers for my review.
So pick yourself up a copy and don't be left behind.... pun intended.